If You Write, You Are a Writer

If You Write, You Are a Writer

Hands down, the number one hesitation I hear from people is that they have a story to tell but… I am not a writer. Those five simple words stand in the way of you sharing your story with the world, and that is terribly unfortunate because I know that you have a great...
Exploring Relationships in Memoir

Exploring Relationships in Memoir

We’re all social beings.  Even if you’re introverted like me, there are valuable relationships in our lives that are a huge part of our stories. We need other people in our lives to fill a variety of roles: romantic, platonic, health professional, parent...
Memoir Writing:: Where Do You Start?

Memoir Writing:: Where Do You Start?

Like any significant project, it can be hard to know where to start when you sit down to write your memoir. First, you have what every writer in any genre faces: the technicalities of getting that story onto a page. But memoir writers have the added challenge of...
How to Write Natural Dialogue

How to Write Natural Dialogue

This blog post can also be downloaded as a PDF guide here. Dialogue is a wonderful and effective way of breaking up long narrative, especially long descriptive chunks. It acts like fingers snapping—a signal to re-capture the reader’s attention and bring them back to...