4 Ways to Avoid Libel in Memoir Writing

4 Ways to Avoid Libel in Memoir Writing

So, you’ve decided to write your story—good for you!—but you’re struggling with how “honest” you should be. I get it: you don’t want to cause hurt feelings, but you also want to avoid being sued for libel. And, yet, you want to write your story as you see your...
Dealing With Insecurities While Writing Your Memoir

Dealing With Insecurities While Writing Your Memoir

You may think that the first hurdle to getting your story written down would be the actual writing part, but I have some news for you… The reality is that the very first hurdle that new (and even experienced writers) face is insecurity. Even at the thought of writing...
If You Write, You Are a Writer

If You Write, You Are a Writer

Hands down, the number one hesitation I hear from people is that they have a story to tell but… I am not a writer. Those five simple words stand in the way of you sharing your story with the world, and that is terribly unfortunate because I know that you have a great...